István Beregszászi

full stack software developer



I'm a full stack developer finding absurd amount of enjoyment in B2B web applications.

Eager to participate in product development, building user interfaces, technical writing, keeping in touch with customers; the true full stack.

I take pride in practical software and sustainable business practices.

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Senior Software Developer

Prezly July 2021 — …
  • Rewriting critical components of an email sending platform for stability and scalability.

    postgresql PostgreSQL symfony Symfony php PHP sendgrid SendGrid algolia Algolia

  • Automated deployments, managed infrastructure as code.

    kubernetes Kubernetes aws AWS fluxcd FluxCD github-actions GitHub Actions

Architect, Lead Developer

Crosssec Solutions Kft. August 2016 — June 2021
  • Leading development and deployment of a multi-tenant SaaS built for manufacturing companies.

    postgresql PostgreSQL symfony Symfony doctrine Doctrine ORM

  • Business requirements included calculating performance based salaries, incorporating Hungarian tax and labor laws, and complex reports.
  • Led a team of 5. Had the most fun was increasing developer productivity through workshops, and seriously funny technical docs (I printed them in booklet form to bring engineers back to the analog world for an hour).

    gitlab Gitlab pdf PDF CLIs (more fun than you might think)

Marcell Kovács

I have had the privilege of working with István for almost 5 years at the same workplace (Crosssec Solutions Ltd) and luckily we found a common ground practically from the beginning. During our collaborative projects, he shared the same high priority for aspects and factors that are crucial to me as a marketing expert, such as the importance of user experience, the application of primary research, and consistent user interfaces. I fondly recall our brainstorming sessions on product development meetings or any impromptu meetings we held - often in front of one of the whiteboards in the office.

István has always advocated for sustainable solutions and those with minimal technical debt, embracing a "get it right the first time" approach. Simultaneously, he kept in mind the priorities of the business and marketing teams. To this day, I continue to refer to the technical documentation he created, explaining the functionality of specific features and solutions.

Despite the not-so-huge overlap in our respective fields of expertise, I learned a great deal from him. If you are in need of an experienced and highly qualified software developer, I wholeheartedly recommend István Beregszászi. I trust that there will be more opportunities for us to collaborate in the future.

Software Engineer

Polisys Kft. October 2013 — August 2016
  • Contributed to and maintained several mid-sized e-commerce sites.

    symfony Symfony sylius Sylius

  • Delivered API + tablet thin client internal tools for B2B customers.

    windows Windows 8 php PHP

  • Launched several B2C engineering-as-marketing products.

    d3js D3.js

András Sárközi

I had the wonderful pleasure of working with Istvan. He was exceptionally professional and a real joy to work with.

If you're looking for someone to develop a project, I highly recommend Istvan Beregszaszi. He is on-top of the technology and his "can do, will do" attitude helps to be done it correctly!

Software Developer

FaceySpacey Technologies, Inc. December 2009 — May 2011

Tinkering at home

Building side projects since I was 12
  • an ebook creator platform

    supabase Supabase react React xml XML/Saxon google-cloud Google Cloud cloudflare-workers Cloudflare Workers k3s K3s mui Material UI

  • prototype of a multiplayer top down shooter game (one withtanks, obviously);

    c++ C++ blender Blender

  • a featureful Turing machine simulator (degree work)

    elm Elm

  • static site generator for my wife's product catalog

    haskell Haskell

  • my career began by making lots of fancy looking effects with JavaScript and SVG for fun (like the background of this resumé)
  • small projects like this resumé

    astro Astro bootstrap Bootstrap


Bachelor of Computer Science

University of Pécs, Hungary 2015



postgresql PostgreSQL (❤️) supabase Supabase typescript TypeScript docker Docker


kubernetes Kubernetes k3s K3s linux Linux fluxcd FluxCD


react React tailwind Tailwind CSS typescript TypeScript mui Material UI

Don't leave home without

opensuse openSUSE phpstorm PhpStorm
